
Oferta de trabajo: Doctorado en el Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla IMSE-CNM (Universidad de Sevilla, CSIC)

05 Sep 2024
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Ph.D. Position at Microelectronics Institute of Seville IMSE-CNM (University of Seville, CSIC), Spain Research line: Post-quantum crypto-biometrics with hardware security for digital identity wallet

 Related projects: HighLoAwallet: Crypto-biometric techniques and hardware-enabled solutions for self-sovereign identity wallets with high level of assurance. Hard-ID-wallet: Proof of concept of hardware security solutions required by the cryptography and biometrics of digital identity wallet. VIPS-ID: Verifiable, Private, Distributed, and Secure Identification of People and Things. LICORICE: reLIable and sCalable tOols foR self-sovereIgn identity and data proteCtion framework.

 Period: 4 years, to apply until 11 September 2024, to start on November 2024.

 Gross salary: 23.000 € (first year), 24.100 € (second and third years). The amount will be increased for the fourth year. And economic support for equipments, training programs, publications, conferences and research stays.

 Key words: Cybersecurity, electronic transactions, digital identity, digital identity wallets, self-sovereign identities, privacy, crypto biometrics, PUFs, hardware security, post-quantum cryptography, trusted execution, and mobile devices.

 Objectives: Design of post-quantum crypto-biometric and hardware-enabled solutions to manage people identities with high level of assurance in the context of digital identity wallets. Technology transfer and research publications.

 Profile: University Degree with at least 300 ECTS credits or Master in the area of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electronics, Telecommunications, Cybersecurity or similar. Strong interest in Cybersecurity from a hardware and crypto-biometric point of view. Programming skills. Good knowledge of mathematics (for cryptography), and signal and image processing (for biometrics). High-level in English. Self-motivation and commitment to do a Ph.D. If interested, please submit your application (CV and motivations) or contact to: lumi@imse-cnm.csic.es (Prof. Iluminada Baturone) and arjona@imse-cnm.csic.es (Prof. Rosario Arjona)